Christmas is nearing and for some they will face it without a special someone in their life/home for the first time. The difficulties we face in life will cause us to question the events. Why did my loved one have to be the one who has cancer? Why did the accident occur? Why did my special someone die? Why are we the ones left alone? As I have looked at the many events people have faced in their lives, I can understand why people sometimes ask “Why?” “Why Me?” The question has often been asked, “Why does bad things happen to good people?” I actually believe Satan plants those questions in our minds so that we will focus on our heartbreaks and loneliness instead of relying on God. David learned to put his problems in God’s hands. (Psalm 42:5 Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within my? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.) When Lazarus died, the first words Martha said to Jesus was, “If you had been here, he would not have died.” Martha was implying that if Jesus was doing his job, Lazarus would not have died. Questioning our situations is often a doubt planted in our minds by Satan that God does not care about us, that God should have done something about what has happened. I’ve often wondered, if God explained why an event happened would it make the pain any less, the loss is impactful, or the loneliness any lighter? Probably not. We need to follow the example of David and put our hope in God. We need to rejoice because God never leaves us to face these difficult times by ourselves. It is by the strength God has already given us that we have the ability to ask why. Let’s move forward in the strength God gives us toward that blessed reunion day. The day when disease, hurt, pain, death, and loneliness will be destroyed forever. Put your hope in God! We must learn to say, “Lord God, I believe. I don’t understand, and I could probably never grasp all the reasons why bad things happen, but I can know for certain that You love me and You are with me—always.” Pastor Don [image: image.png]