December is here. Christmas is near. We celebrate God’s perfect gift to us and it’s that time of year again when we begin to pick out gifts for people in our lives. On whatever day you choose, you will exchange those gifts. I admit, I have never been a good receiver of gifts. When I receive something really nice I always question if what I gave others measured up to what I received. I think the same is true in many people in their walk with God. If God is giving me this great gift, how can I do enough to be worthy of accepting His gift? Did I do enough to get this kind of gift? (1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.) The word receive means, taking, accepting; admitting; embracing; believing; and entertaining. Perfectionism is what fuels the feeling that we have to do something equal to the gift we are receiving. It creates a constant feeling of never being good enough, unworthy, or not doing enough. God’s gift to us is not based on what we have or will do for Him. It is a free gift to everyone. None of us are worthy of the gift of eternal life. Receive God’s love today and learn to love yourself like God loves you. God’s perfect love for us and our love for ourselves drives out all fear of not measuring up. Receive that gift today. Pastor Don [image: image.png]