How often have you been doing a task and realize it was too big for you to do by yourself? How often have you simply left that task undone because you would not ask for someone to come over and help you. We have all done that at one time or another. We think we are self-sufficient people. That is the world looks at serving God. They think that asking for help from God is a sign of weakness. But, the truth is that by drawing on the ability of the Holy Spirit , we can accomplish more in our lives than we could ever do by working within our own strength. (John 14:16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever.) I’ve seen many businesses lately with help wanted signs on their doors. They are looking for good dependable people to work. The Holy Spirit is on the inside of our hearts wanting to help us and many times we want allow Him to do what needs done. Many people have received Jesus as Savior and Lord. They will go to heaven, but never draw on the full capacity of the Holy Spirit that is available to them or experience the true success God wants them to enjoy on Earth. Simply put, many will be on their way to heaven, but they won’t enjoy the trip. Pastor Don