We have raised a generation of spoiled children. Can I get an “AMEN?” I can remember thinking for months on what to get children for their birthdays or for Christmas. I wanted to get them something really good, something they would be happy to receive. Sometimes I did really good and sometimes it was only mediocre. My devotion this morning speaks about God giving good gifts to His children. No one knows what we need and desire more than He knows and no one else has the ability to provide what we ask for than God does. (Matthew 7:11 If you, then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!) The word good means, useful, valuable, having qualities or a tendency to produce a beneficial effect. WOW! When God gives us a gift, that gift is useful and valuable in our lives and will produce a beneficial effect. God gives good gifts to everyone. He is not a respector of persons. In other words, God is good to everyone, all the time. God’s goodness radiates from Him to us continually. Not everything that happens in life is good, but God works it out for our benefit. What a Great God we serve! Enjoy unwrapping your gifts today. Pastor Don