Many parents talk about having children they had not planned on having. Having a child born at that particular time in their lives was not something they had made preparations for. Some parents talk about wanting a girl and getting a boy, while others want a boy and have a girl. Child birth is totally up to God. God has never had a baby born that was a surprise to Him. It’s hard for us to imagine how God is able to love every child born around the world today and even more, to imagine that God has a design for their life. (Psalm 139:13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb) God planned you. He determined who your parents would be. God determined your DNA. WHY?? So He could love us. The only reason you are alive today is because God wants to love you. You were planned by God. Your life has been designed by the King of Kings! Enjoy! Pastor Don