I’ve been able to travel to several places in the world and I have enjoyed seeing the scenery and meeting the people. I’ve met people who love where they live and have no desire to move anywhere else. I feel the same way about Alabama. I am happy where I am and don’t see myself ever living anywhere else. I am where I want to be. There is no place like home. God also has a place that He loves to dwell, a place He calls home. (Colossians 1:27 To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.) The Bible tells us that under the Old Covenant, the temple was where God dwells. The people came to visit God in the temple. With the New Covenant came a new dwelling place. Our bodies now become the temple of God. The “HOPE OF GLORY” dwells inside every believer. God now lives where he has always desired to live and that is with His people. You and I can identify houses in our community by the way they look, the way they are taken care of, and people who live in them. How can the world tell that our house is the house God dwells in? They can tell by the way the people act who live there and the way the house is cared for. You are God’s “OPEN HOUSE” every day of the week. Be a good display! Pastor Don