7-23-18 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY… BE THANKFUL!! YOU ARE BLESSED!! We closed yesterday’s service with a praise offering to God for all of His many blessings in our lives. If we are not careful careful, giving praise to God becomes a routine with little attention to the real details of His many blessings. It would be good for us to write down 10 things we are thankful for each day of the week. It would amaze you at the ways God provides for us. (Hebrews13:15 Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise, the fruit of lips that openly profess His name.) Everything I have in life is a blessing from God. Health, breath, wife, children, family, friends, job, coffee, vehicle, and running hot & cold water and my day is just starting. Let our lips and life give praise to God for all His many blessings. Your day will go much better when we give thanks. Pastor Don