We live in a technical world where machines can do almost everything. It is scarey sometimes just to think how far we have come with the gadgets that we play with everyday. Everyone has a smart phone, a computer, or a device to help them make it through the day. We each use them for different purposes, but the one thing they all have in common is that they can only perform with the software that has been installed in them. You see, the device is not what is so smart, it’s the person who wrote the software they are using to perform that is so smart. A camera can only take a picture of what is in front of it’s lens. You have to choose what picture to take. (Psalm 1:2-3 But whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. 3. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and who leaf does not wither, whatsover they do prospers.) The psalmist made it quite clear that meditating on and thinking about God’s Word brings results. As you ponder who God is and what He’s saying to you, you’ll grow. It’s really that simple. Another way to put it is to say that whatever you focus on, you become. If you read about and allow your mind to focus on God’s love and power, that’s what operates in you. Today will be filled with what you focus your mind on. See the good, share a smile, be thankful, share with others, and your day will reflect what you focus on. Pastor Don