Choices In The Chaos

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               A family of the tribe of Judah experienced a famine in the Land. The family moved to Moab in search for a better life than their present struggle in the land God gave to Abraham’s children. Elimelech no doubt had a religious upbringing because his name means “God is my King”. In times of temptation and adversity, he would remember the meaning of his name, the things he was taught, and be reminded to trust in the God of his life. When decisions has to be made, he would go to the Lord in prayer because of his heritage.

My God is the King! Oh Yes! I am a child of the King!

No matter what you believe or think about the chaos you are in, remember “My God is the King” and he is Lord over everything! He sits upon a throne in a high and lofty place. Nothing confounds Him. Nothing overwhelms Him. We were born of God. We were born of water and born by spirit. We were born to an heir and joint-heir with Jesus and a partaker of the divine nature.

God is MY King

God rules the world with truth and grace and makes the nations prove the glories of His righteousness! He is in charge! He sits upon a throne high above principalities and powers. There is no one who controls the affairs of nations.

In these socio economic and socio political times of uncertainty, we’re oft made to wonder. Though decisions have to be made, but remember who is King. He reigns! He dwells in a light that no man can approach unto. The only power in this world is delegated power given by God.

Just like Elimelech had a name that served as a reminder that God was his King, we as Christians have a name that should serve as a reminder to us. We should act like Christians. We should act the way God wants us to act. We should act like a child of God. When we experience chaos in our lives, when we have decisions to make, when things don’t go like we’d like them to, we have to remember to pray and trust in our Heavenly Father because he is our King, our comforter, and our provider.