Our civilization is losing its civility. During the recent holiday outings I saw people being so rude to one another. No holds a door for an older person, gives there place in line to someone whose arms is overloaded, or gives another driver a preferred parking spot. We also can say some of the harshest things about one another. The internet encourages this as you can hide behind a user name to make your cruel remarks. Anonymously, we find the courage to say what we would never say to someones face. This world needs more people like King David who knew how to lift each other up. People who are willing to be kind, considerate, and build up a brother or sister instead of criticizing them. (Psalm 23:5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.) People who constantly belittle others show just what little people they are. Great people make people feel great about themselves. People who try to make others feel little have a little heart and make fun of others to try to make themselves feel better. People who build others up have big hearts and don’t have to worry about what they feel like themselves because God is their defender. God is the one who anoints and blesses them. They live full lives that run over into the lives of those around them. Be GREAT today! Make someone else feel GREAT today. It we do this, God will make sure our day is brighter. Pastor Don [image: image.png]