A Great Desire
You can tell a lot about a person about what they pursue. People are driven by their desires. People give time and money for their desires. Our desire should be to be filled with the presence of God and to have a relationship with Him.
It is God’s desire that we all be filled with his spirit. When everything around us is burning out, with his spirit, we will still be burning. We don’t have to be dismayed because God is within us and God is sovereign over everything.
God Made A Way
God told Moses and Aaron to go to Pharoah and tell him to let his people go. The slaves meant nothing to Pharoah, but God was in covenant with those people, and God loved those people. God made a way when there seemed to be noway. Pharoah’s army was chasing after the Israelites and parted the sea so they could go through on dry ground.
After the Israelites were delivered from Pharoah, they had a mixed multitude. They started grumbling and started wanting what they had back in Egypt. They started romanticizing what they had back in Egypt. They forgot how bad it was for them. God spared the Israelites from the plagues, and they saw God’s mighty hand. God gave them manna to eat in the wilderness. The manna had all the nutrients their body needed, but they said they loathed it. They hated it. They wanted meat. They wanted something else other than what God provided for them.
Fresh Fire
When the Israelites started grumbling against him, Moses cried out to God. God told him to gather seventy elders and God will put some of the spirit that rested on Moses and put it on the elders so he didn’t have to bare it all alone. When the spirit rested on them, they all started prophesying- and they did not cease. There were two elders that were not with the others at the tabernacle. The two men were in the camp and they too started prophesying. They were out prophesying among the carnal people and among the carnal things. Joshua reported to Moses that Eldad and Medad were prophesying in the camp. Moses told him that it’s God will that everyone would be filled with the spirit and that everyone would prophesy.
Numbers 11:29
And Moses said unto him, Enviest thou for my sake? would God that all the Lord‘s people were prophets, and that the Lord would put his spirit upon them!